Taking care of yourself

Taking care of daily routines is part of self-care. Taking care of yourself during your illness is the most important way you can contribute to your recovery.

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Supporting a person who is ill

Seeing a loved one suffering and in pain can make you feel helpless and insecure. You both have your own suffering to deal with. You would like to be there to support and help them, but you don’t know how or in what way. 

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Back to work after cancer

A long absence from work may require support, flexibility and rehabilitation. The best results come from cooperation between the employer, employee and occupational health service.

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Cancer and your finances

Having cancer can radically undermine your and your family’s financial situation. Even in the early stages of the disease it is good to bear in mind that dealing with various expenses, benefits and reimbursements will require some effort on your part.

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Cancer and work

When you are diagnosed with cancer, the first thing that may come to mind is that there will be a long period off work. But as with many other illnesses, cancer does not necessarily result in work incapacity or being off work for a long period.

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Exercise and cancer

Research shows that there is strong evidence that exercise has many benefits for people with cancer.

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Good nutrition

Good nutrition is particularly important if you have cancer, as it will help you stay as fit as possible.

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Cancer and sexuality

Being diagnosed with cancer can affect your sexuality in many ways. These effects are always individual and situation-specific.

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Syöpäjärjestöjen palvelut on tarkoitettu kaikille, joita syöpään liittyvät asiat mietityttävät. Tukipalvelut auttavat myös, kun arki askarruttaa.

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After cancer

Yhä useampi syövän sairastanut voi palata hoitojen jälkeen normaaliin elämään. Sairauden läpikäyminen vie oman aikansa. Syöpähoitojen loputtua on parasta ottaa rauhallisesti ja kerätä voimia.

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