
Radiotherapy is a common from of cancer treatment. Radiotherapy uses high energy, ionising radiation, known as radioactivity. Along with surgery, radiotherapy is another important form of treatment of localised cancer.

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Hormone therapy

In some cancers, cancer cells exploit the body’s hormones to grow. Hormonal cancer therapy works by preventing this activity. Hormone therapy for cancer therefore seeks to prevent production and effects of hormones that are vital for the cancer in question.

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Immunotherapy or immunological cancer therapy is a group of different treatment methods that aim to destroy cancer cells by influencing your body’s defence system in different ways.

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Cancer treatments

Cancer treatments are being continually developed. Increasingly more effective and better-targeted treatments are available. As treatment has developed, the outcomes have improved. Treatment outcomes in Finland are outstanding by international comparisons.

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Cancer patients’ income and tax

Having cancer can affect many things to do with your income. Reimbursements and allowances depend on the patient’s life situation.

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Problems related to eating

Syöpää sairastavalla voi olla ongelmia syömisessä, ja hän saattaa laihtua.

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How to go on?

For more and more people, cancer can be cured or at least controlled so that you can live a near-normal life. The end of treatment can feel both relieving and frightening at the same time.

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Cancer symptoms

Cancer has numerous symptoms. It may be asymptomatic for a long time or it may involve only very general symptoms, such as fatigue or weight loss.

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Differentiation and staging of cancer

Cancer has a number of different stages. Following exposure to the factor that causes cancer it usually takes a long time before the cancer begins to develop.

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Rehabilitation and reimbursements

If your illness is prolonged and there is a delay in your returning to work, you may need rehabilitation. Access to rehabilitation requires that you have a rehabilitation plan, which is needed to apply for benefits and services.

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