Loved ones’ grief
The death of a loved one and the ensuing grief is a long process with many stages. The closer the patient is to you, the harder it is to let go.
Read articleThe death of a loved one and the ensuing grief is a long process with many stages. The closer the patient is to you, the harder it is to let go.
Read articleYou can get rehabilitation from the public healthcare side if your illness and its treatments have affected your ability to work and function and survive in everyday life.
Read articleVoit saada vertaistukea sekä kahden kesken tukihenkilön kanssa, että vertaisryhmässä. Vertaistukea on tarjolla sekä kasvokkain että etänä.
Read articleSyöpäjärjestöt tarjoaa paljon erilaisia kursseja, joilla tuetaan kuntoutumistasi.
Read articleTreatment for cancer pain always aims to get rid of the cause of the pain, if possible. If a tumour cannot be removed, radiotherapy or chemotherapy can often shrink it.
Read articleCancer and its treatments can cause many different types of pain. Cancer pain is the most common and most important symptom associated with cancer regarding quality of life. Around half of people with cancer experience pain.
Read articleCancer has numerous symptoms. It may be asymptomatic for a long time or it may involve only very general symptoms, such as fatigue or weight loss.
Read articleCancer has a number of different stages. Following exposure to the factor that causes cancer it usually takes a long time before the cancer begins to develop.
Read articleIf your illness is prolonged and there is a delay in your returning to work, you may need rehabilitation. Access to rehabilitation requires that you have a rehabilitation plan, which is needed to apply for benefits and services.
Read articleDetecting cancer is a multi-stage process. Often, the patient will go to a doctor because of some symptom or other. Sometimes cancer is discovered by chance or from screening. The final cancer diagnosis is based on a pathologist’s opinion.
Read articleYou can chat with a specialist cancer nurse - or call or send a message. The counseling service of cancer organizations is intended for you who are affected by cancer.
You can chat with the nurse between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. You will see a chat icon on the site in the lower right corner.
The helpline is available at 0800 19414. The nurse answers the phone on Mondays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The service is free of charge.
Read moreYou can get peer support both one-on-one with a support person and in a peer group. Peer support is available both face-to-face and remotely.
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