Alternative cancer treatments

There is no official definition of alternative cancer therapies or belief-based treatments. Alternative treatments involve therapies and methods that are not rooted in medical scientific knowledge and their effectiveness or safety has not been reliably established.

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Problems related to eating

Syöpää sairastavalla voi olla ongelmia syömisessä, ja hän saattaa laihtua.

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Treating cancer pain

Treatment for cancer pain always aims to get rid of the cause of the pain, if possible. If a tumour cannot be removed, radiotherapy or chemotherapy can often shrink it.

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Cancer pain

Cancer and its treatments can cause many different types of pain. Cancer pain is the most common and most important symptom associated with cancer regarding quality of life. Around half of people with cancer experience pain.

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When to avoid certain types of exercise

There are some situations where you need to take extra care with excercise.

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Exercise and cancer

Research shows that there is strong evidence that exercise has many benefits for people with cancer.

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Good nutrition

Good nutrition is particularly important if you have cancer, as it will help you stay as fit as possible.

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After cancer

Yhä useampi syövän sairastanut voi palata hoitojen jälkeen normaaliin elämään. Sairauden läpikäyminen vie oman aikansa. Syöpähoitojen loputtua on parasta ottaa rauhallisesti ja kerätä voimia.

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