What is cancer?

Cancer is a general term for a large group of diseases, whose causes, characteristics and occurrence can vary greatly. There is no completely clear-cut definition of cancer. Cancer is particularly a disease of older people. Due to population ageing, we have seen an increase in cancer incidence.

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Diagnosis – It can’t be true!

Everyone has their own way of dealing with a cancer diagnosis. Very often it causes a crisis.

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Cancer patients’ rights

Patients are entitled to receive good health and medical care and treatment that do not violate their human dignity, beliefs or privacy. Finland has a law on the status and rights of patients.

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Cancer treatments

Cancer treatments are being continually developed. Increasingly more effective and better-targeted treatments are available. As treatment has developed, the outcomes have improved. Treatment outcomes in Finland are outstanding by international comparisons.

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Peer support

Voit saada vertaistukea sekä kahden kesken tukihenkilön kanssa, että vertaisryhmässä. Vertaistukea on tarjolla sekä kasvokkain että etänä.

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Detecting cancer

Detecting cancer is a multi-stage process. Often, the patient will go to a doctor because of some symptom or other. Sometimes cancer is discovered by chance or from screening. The final cancer diagnosis is based on a pathologist’s opinion.

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Cancer types

Cancer is not a unitary disease but a large group of diseases that include many different cancers. Their causes, symptoms and forms of treatment differ from one another.

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