After cancer
Yhä useampi syövän sairastanut voi palata hoitojen jälkeen normaaliin elämään. Sairauden läpikäyminen vie oman aikansa. Syöpähoitojen loputtua on parasta ottaa rauhallisesti ja kerätä voimia.
Read articleYhä useampi syövän sairastanut voi palata hoitojen jälkeen normaaliin elämään. Sairauden läpikäyminen vie oman aikansa. Syöpähoitojen loputtua on parasta ottaa rauhallisesti ja kerätä voimia.
Read articleOne in three people in Finland will develop cancer at some point during their lifetime. Every year, about 30 000 people are diagnosed with cancer. But two thirds of them recover from the disease. These pages contain basic information about how cancer develops, cancer research, and different cancers and their symptoms.
Read articleSyöpä on kova isku paitsi sairastuneelle myös hänen läheiselleen. Sairastumisen myötä läheiset joutuvat käsittelemään suhdettaan sairauteen ja sairastuneeseen.
Read articleYou can chat with a specialist cancer nurse - or call or send a message. The counseling service of cancer organizations is intended for you who are affected by cancer.
You can chat with the nurse between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. You will see a chat icon on the site in the lower right corner.
The helpline is available at 0800 19414. The nurse answers the phone on Mondays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The service is free of charge.
Read moreYou can get peer support both one-on-one with a support person and in a peer group. Peer support is available both face-to-face and remotely.
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