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Syöpäjärjestöjen kouluttamat vertaistukihenkilöt voivat auttaa sairastunutta ja hänen läheistään. Jos haluat tukihenkilön, täytä alla oleva lomake, niin otamme yhteyttä.
Read articleSyöpäjärjestöjen kouluttamat vertaistukihenkilöt voivat auttaa sairastunutta ja hänen läheistään. Jos haluat tukihenkilön, täytä alla oleva lomake, niin otamme yhteyttä.
Read articleCancer is a general term for a large group of diseases, whose causes, characteristics and occurrence can vary greatly. There is no completely clear-cut definition of cancer. Cancer is particularly a disease of older people. Due to population ageing, we have seen an increase in cancer incidence.
Read articleThere is no official definition of alternative cancer therapies or belief-based treatments. Alternative treatments involve therapies and methods that are not rooted in medical scientific knowledge and their effectiveness or safety has not been reliably established.
Read articleCancer patients of childbearing age are often worried about their possibilities to have children after undergoing treatment for cancer. The issue is increasingly topical because nowadays a greater proportion of people who have cancer in their childhood or youth recover from the disease.
Read articleAn increasing number of anti-cancer drugs are based on specific abnormalities in the structure and function of cells in a particular tumour type.
Read articleCancer cannot always be cured permanently, but the spread of the disease can be stopped or slowed down. This is called chronic cancer. Chronic cancer can progress very slowly or remain unchanged.
Read articlePatients are entitled to receive good health and medical care and treatment that do not violate their human dignity, beliefs or privacy. Finland has a law on the status and rights of patients.
Read articleCytotoxic drugs have adverse side effects. However, your functional capacity during treatment is usually good.
Read articleCytotoxic drugs or cytostatics (also cytotoxic chemotherapy) are drugs used to destroy cancer cells. Cytotoxic drugs inhibit cell division and in this way cause cancer cells to die. Cytotoxic drugs are transported in the bloodstream throughout the body.
Read articleYou can chat with a specialist cancer nurse - or call or send a message. The counseling service of cancer organizations is intended for you who are affected by cancer.
You can chat with the nurse between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. You will see a chat icon on the site in the lower right corner.
The helpline is available at 0800 19414. The nurse answers the phone on Mondays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The service is free of charge.
Read moreYou can get peer support both one-on-one with a support person and in a peer group. Peer support is available both face-to-face and remotely.
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